Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's been awhile....

and I'm sorry I caused a few of you to wonder what's been going on that's so exciting that I haven't been updating this blogue. The short answer is that I've been trying to get on with w.o.r.k -- that thing that I'm really in India to do: I've been setting up formal interviews and informally talking to people and it's taken me a lot longer than I thought it would to organize what they've had to say in reasonably accurate and easily retrievable passages.

Other than that, I've had a short foray into the world of public health care in India (for my aunt, not for myself). I've lots to say about it but I'm still processing it so that's a post for another day.

And perhaps more interestingly, one of me cousins has gone and gotten hisself engaged and married! All in the space of two weeks, too. The Fam has been abuzz with curiosity and more curiosity about it all, especially since the wedding was held with a week's notice in Bombay. Which meant that no one apart from said cousin's Ma and sister attended. No, it's not what you're thinking -- this is still India: there's very little pre-marital sex and pregnancy here. At least among the so-respectable middle-classes. But there's to be a fancy-schmancy reception at a private members' club in Bangalore tomorrow night and ofcourse, we're all gonna be there. It's not often we get a chance these days to experience any kind of Monsoon Wedding off the big screen; there aren't very many unmarrieds left, even given my extremely large and extremely trying Fam. And never mind that I don't approve of private members' clubs; this might be my last chance to get all dressed up in a fancy sari while I'm in India. It also means that I don't have to go visiting all the distant rellies to say hello and goodbye; they'll all be at the reception so I can see 'em all in one go. One night of plastering a smile on my face as people I haven't seen in a couple of decades take it upon themselves to tell me how much I've grown since then and how I should be married with sprogs by now. I'm planning to bare my teeth and bring up all the gossip about erring children and straying spouses that I've been assiduously gathering since I arrived for precisely this purpose. All in all, it should make for a fun night -- bad bollywood music, greasy Indian food, hundreds of Indian relatives and a few hours in a swish costume with no alcohol and no one to flirt with -- ah, what would a trip to India be without an Indian wedding to attend!

I shall report back. Till then, enjoy the tiddlywinks games that are going on all around the US: I gather it's South Carolina and Florida next.

By the way, for those of you who care, my entirely unscientific survey of y'all has Obama in the lead, with Edwards second. Only a couple of youse folks plumped for Hilary. Interesting. For what it's worth, I'd take an Obama-Edwards ticket just fine. Though one can only imagine what the Reps would do with that come election time. Feeding time for the sharks, most likely.

I'm gone.